Thursday, 21 February 2013

Boom It's In The Bag!!

This week has been really good I managed to get 3 sessions in at the gym completed and my food and diet had gone really well too. I found that I was full with what I had been eating without any snacks or cheats here and there. So I went along to group feeling quite confident all I needed was 2 and half pound to get that magical five and half stone award. I stepped on the scales and saw the number appear back at me, I knew I had done it and that is all I was bothered about the fact I got my five and half stone award I felt fantastic.
I sat back down waiting for group to start and people were asking how I had done but I couldn't remember what I had lost all I knew was that I had got my award. Once group started and Mandy went round telling everyone how we had all done did I learn I actually lost 3 and half pound this week, I was over the moon!
Not only did I get my five and half stone award I was also named Slimmer of the Week, wow what a night I had I was really chuffed. I am now aiming towards my 6 stone award and chasing down a fellow member and my mate who is also chasing after her 6 stone award, she is a real inspiration to me and I know she will get hers this week which is just awesome. I am not going to say how much I want to loose this week as anything off towards that next award is a bonus in my eyes, the weight I am currently at is just amazing to me as I really can not remember the last time the scales showed me this number. Bring on another good week and hopefully a week where my good mate gets her 6 stone award, fingers crossed for her this week people!! Here is a picture of my latest award towards my collection!


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