Tuesday 30 October 2012

Illness Strikes!

Well i can truly say it has not been the best week of my journey so far. Illness has well and truly struck, i have felt lethargic, sick and basically had no energy at all. Plus i have been full of cold which has not helped at all. Then we get to Sunday night where my illness hit its peak (i hope) when all of a sudden i went really dizzy and then passed out on the kitchen floor and began to shake like i was having some kind of fit. Luckily i was with my mum who managed to bring me round and look after me, bless her, however since then i could not sleep all night. Monday morning came round and i still felt horrific so i had to ring in sick at work, not something i ever do, but i felt like i could not drive or manage a day at work. So a day in bed it was trying to get myself better again.Luckily after a day of rest and a decent ish night sleep last night i am feeling slightly better still feel a little lethargic but far better than Sunday night,
 So that brings me to Tuesday and the dreaded weigh in, whilst i have been ill i have fallen off the wagon, not only i have been picking at food but its been the wrong food and when my mum presented me with a scone filled with fresh cream and jam and a nice cup of tea i couldn't say no, after all it was bought to "cheer me up and make me feel better". I can honestly say it was delish but now i have to face the scales and pray the damage is minimal.
 I will keep you informed how it goes!

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